St Georges Council No.4 Installation Meeting.
On Friday 17th April members of St Georges Council No.4 welcomed W.Bro. Colin Bayliss Dist.G.J.W. to their Installation Meeting. On entered the Lodge W.Bro. Colin Bayliss as the Representative of the District Grand Prefect was greeted accordingly by W.Bro. Mike Hatton acting as Master.
David Webster, John Cooper, Mike Hatton
Ron Pearson, Paul Snape, Mike Hatton
Ron Pearson welcomes Andy Baker Master of Meridian Council
Bro. David Webster a member of Viscount Leverhulme Council No. 263 was then admitted as a Grand Tiler of Solomon by W.Bro. John Cooper, the Lecture being presented by W.Bro. Geoff Catterall.
Ray Lamb, John Bicknell, Ron Pearson, Colin Bayliss, Paul Snape, Stuart Mowbray, Geoff Catterall and Ray Pye.
Colin Bayliss congratulates Ron Pearson
Ron Pearson with Wardens Present and Past
The next business was the Installation as Master of Bro. Ron Pearson, for which purpose W.Bro. Mike Hatton invited the Deputy D.G.P. W.Bro. Paul Snape to occupy the Chair and conduct the Ceremony of Installation.
Let Dinner commence
Another hard days work over!!
Ron Pearson and Mike Hatton
Following the Installation Ceremony W.Bro. Colin Bayliss as the Representative of the District Grand Prefect congratulated W.Bro. Ron Pearson on becoming Master of St Georges Council, wishing him well for the future. He also commented on the high standard of Ritual worked in both the Installation Ceremony and the Ceremony of Grand Tiler of Solomon.
Ray Lamb Asst. District G.D.C. keeps a watchful eye.
The Lodge DC and ADC deep in thought
Ron Pearson wishes everyone Good Night.
In reply W.Bro. Ron Pearson thanks the District G.J.W. for his generous comments inviting him and all present to join him at dinner.
Story and photographs Courtesy of Paul Snape